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NO DIG Garden Beds

As the name suggests, no dig garden beds are constructed without heavy digging or tilling of the soil.

Apart from the advantages of having to do less work like removing lawns or invasive weeds to get a garden happening; the no dig method is perfect for growing healthy vegetables, herbs, flowers etc. on top of usually challenging soils, including heavy clay or water repellent sandy soils.

Choose a sunny spot in your yard that's relatively flat, it can be over existing lawn or old garden beds. We chose an area near our newly formed swales and espalier fruit tree frames that lays over very heavy clay soil and tough weeds.

Apply a generous amount of gypsum for heavy clay soils, some 'blood and bone' or well rotted compost to your marked out area and water in well.

Cover the plot with dampened/soaked cardboard or thick layers of newspaper to suppress any weeds or old vegetation.

Lay wood chips, seed free garden waste, lawn clippings, straw/hay and manure over cardboard or newspaper layer, water in well and top with a good layer of rich compost (at least 10cms deep). Be mindful that your layers will settle to half their depth in a week or so. You can wait that time to plant your vegetables or if you're keen to get started you can form pockets of potting mix or well formed compost to plant seeds or seedlings into directly - water in well.

No till gardens are a great way to improve soil health.

The less we disturb the intricate soil web and protect the system with good layers of mulch and compost, the more we prevent erosion, retain moisture and provide more nutrients for a biodiverse life giving eco system.

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